1) Configuration
Download PrettyFaces binaries and add them to the classpath. If you use Apache Maven, you only need to add PrettyFaces as dependency to your project:
To ensure maximum flexibility, we configure PrettyFaces on anntotations. The web.xml parameter com.ocpsoft.pretty.BASE_PACKAGE tells PrettyFaces which package have to be scanned recursively for beans with @URLMapping annotation:
Congratulations, you have added PrettyFaces to your project successfully.
2) Basic Pages
Now just add @URLMapping's to your action beans like:
@URLMapping(id = "startpage", pattern = "/", viewId = "/pages/startpage.seam")
public class StartpageAction implements Serializable
The annotation based configuration of PrettyFaces keeps the amount of navigation rules in faces-config.xml small. The new prefix pretty:, could be used as return string on methods of managed beans or as outcome from h:button and h:link components. For a simple reload of the current page just return pretty:. In case of return pretty:startpage PrettyFaces search for the annotation based bean with @URLMapping(id = "startpage", ... and redirect to this page.
On the JSF side you just need to put the id of the @URLMapping as outcome:
<h:link outcome="pretty:startpage" value="Startpage" />
3) Pages With URL Parameters
Pass additional parameters as URL value isn't much harder. Just setup the bean:
@URLMapping(id = "category", pattern = "/cat/#{catId : boardCategoryAction.catId}.html", viewId = "/pages/category.seam")
public class CategoryAction implements Serializable
private String catId;
public String getCatId() {
return catId;
public void setCatId(String catId) {
this.catId = catId;
And parse the parameter in the "h:link":
<h:link outcome="pretty:category" value="Category">
<f:param name="catId" value="123" />
Was it ever easier to set up pretty URLs? I don't think so :)
Thanks to Lincoln and the whole OCPSoft Team.
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